ClimateSnack Tromsø

The Northern Lights in Northern Norway (Photo: Mariana Esteves).

The Northern Lights in Northern Norway (Photo: Mariana Esteves).

ClimateSnack Tromsø had its first meeting on Friday at the University of Tromsø.

Despite the snow and early winter winds outside, the new climatesnackers had a  lively discussion about writing topics, the politics of online comments and the general organization of the group.

The group in Tromsø will be led by PhD student Mariana Esteves, who is a marine geologist looking at the deglaciation of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet. At the moment, only early career scientists from the UiT are members, but we would like to invite others to be involved too. We hope that if ClimateSnack Tromsø will encourage collaboration and communication between the prestigious research centers located in the Paris of the North.

If you are interested in being involved then please write to and/or

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