ClimateSnack Intro



In early April 2013, the Association for Early Career Polar Scientists (APECS) invited ClimateSnacks Mathew Reeve to present the ClimateSnacks concept as part of their career development webinar series. The seminar itself lasted for around 40 minutes followed by a very interesting question session. Mathew presented some of his ideas and thoughts on how we can view the scientific writing improvement process. We can think of this process like learning a new language, where the key elements are repetition, continuity, interaction and most importantly tackling a fear of vulnerability. Many young scientists are intimidated about actively publicizing their research for fear of disapproval.  ClimateSnacks aims to tackle these issues by creating a platform for young scientists to practice their writing and communication skills within a community based around constructive feedback and interaction. If you would like to hear more then click on the image below. Through the link you will also find many other useful and insightful APECS webinars, which can benefit young scientists in any field.

Note: ClimateSnacks was renamed Scisnack in 2015 to include ECSs from all scientific disciplines.

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