The SedWhat Podcast – Episode 01: The Climate Messenger

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The SedWhat Podcast

Episode 01: The Climate Messenger – Dr. Erlend Moster Knudsen

Hey SciSnackers! I’m so excited to share my first SedWhat podcast with all of you! SedWhat brings you stories about people who devote their lives to exploring, researching, and loving our planet. Through these conversations, I hope to leave you informed and inspired.

In this episode, Dr. Erlend Moster Knudsen, a ‘climate messenger’, is telling the world about our greatest challenge and what we need to do about it in a project called PoletoParis. He is trying to bring science and society together and inform people about the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change, COP21.

He’s collecting stories along a run from the Arctic to Paris so he can share the voices of others at this global conference. The conference started on November 30th  and he arrives Today, December 4th! I already ran with him through the mountains of Bergen and met with him for a conversation. And now I will have the pleasure of meeting him at the finish line…well, a couple of days after.

Dr. Daniel Price, Erlend’s co-campaigner and also the founder of this project is coming from the Southern hemisphere (Antarctica) by bike. I didn’t get the chance to interview him in Bergen but maybe I can interview him while in Paris. These guys combined are my climate heroes.

Nevertheless, Erlend is a young and inspiring scientist as well as a science communicator, who specializes in the arctic climate. He is an avid runner and outdoorsman. Let’s watch him prove to the world what it takes to inspire others, stay motivated, start difficult conversations, and facilitate change.

I hope you enjoy. And make sure you also stay up-to-date on the conference itself. It should be exciting!

For more information on the PoletoParis Project, Check out:

Official Site PoletoParis

Have any questions for Erlend?


Twitter @poletoparis



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Ashley is currently a Fulbright Scholar in the U.S. - Norway Student Fulbright Program with the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, based in Bergen, Hordaland, Norway. Her fellowship is centered around the Ice2Ice Project project, studying the effects of arctic sea ice melt on the Greenland Ice Sheet. She is a research assistant for the marine sediment team, focused on empirical data. Ashley is a 2014 graduate of Bates College, where she received a Bachelor's degree in Geology and German.
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